

26 May 2015

"If we abort .... emotional stages by easy answers, all they do is take a deeper form of disguise and come out in another (unhealthy) way. So many people learn that the hard way .... because they refuse to let their emotions run their course, honour them consciously, or find an appropriate place to share them.
Emotions are not right or wrong, good or bad. They are merely indicators of what is happening, and must be listened to, usually in the body. People who do not feel deeply finally do not know how to love deeply either. It is the price we pay for loving. .... we must be willing to feel our emotions and come to grips with the mystery in our heads, our hearts and, yes, our bodies, too. To be honest, that takes an entire lifetime. My emotions are still a mystery to me; without contemplation, they would control me." Richard Rohr

4 Maart 2015

My aanbieding oor die Wenteltrap van Geloof

9 January 2015

Spacious Silence allows a Spacious God

This is one good thing that silence and waiting has taught me: Our lives are always usable by God. We need not always be effective, but only transparent and vulnerable. Then we are instruments, no matter what we do. Silence is the ability to trust that God is acting, teaching, and using me - even before I perform or after my seeming failures. Silence is the necessary space around things that allows them to develop and flourish without my pushing. God takes it from there, and there is not much point in comparing who is better, right, higher, lower, or supposedly saved. We are all partial images slowly coming into focus, as long as we allow and filter the Light and Love of God, which longs to shine through us - as us! (p 104, Yes, And .... Daily Meditations, R Rohr)

3 December 2014

We can relax and relate to life with a faithful knowing that if we cease to act, life itself will not cease. It may, in fact, grow full. (Sue Monk Kidd)

25 November 2014

Opkyk mag jou verras

21 November 2014

Nothing is perfect. Therefore everything is perfect.

13 November 2014

Om elke mens elke dag nuut te ontmoet, veral hulle naby aan ons oor wie ons dikwels onbewustelik bevooroordeeld is!

"You cannot understand anything well once you have approved or disapproved of it. There is too much of you invested there. Contemplation is loosening our attachment to ourselves so that Reality can get at us, especially the Absolute reality that we call God" (Richard Rohr - Daily Meditations)
6 November 2014
Sarah van Polokwane en Sarah van Mabopane
Sy’s rietskraal in haar blou uniform. Die plastiekhandskoene lyk te groot. “Can you believe it? We were only married in December! He even took my cell-phone back, which was a wedding gift from him” sê Sarah van Mabopane, terwyl sy elke sentimeter van my isolasiekamer skoonmaak met ‘n anti-enige-denkbare-en-ondenkbare-kiem-vloeistof.
Sarah van Polokwane se glimlag is letterlik stralend in haar ronde gesig, met goud-gekroonde tande. Sy peuter aan my drip. “Tomorrow I’m going home to my children.” Elke ses weke sien sy hulle. Tweelingseuns, hoor ek. Vyf jaar oud. Oupa en Michael. Ja, Oupa het sy oupa aan vaderskant se naam, en Michael is na sy pa vernoem. “I couldn’t fall pregnant. I had given up hope.” Sy en Michael was die skande in haar skoonfamilie. Sy het al meer in haarself gekeer, met ‘n gemaakte goue glimlag bo-oor die seer. “But my husband still loved me. He tried to comfort me by saying that we have each other. I cannot take it when people abandon their babies. It hurts too much.”
Sarah van Mabopane is terug by haar ouers saam met haar dogtertjie van ses jaar oud. “The other day she saw me wearing a g-string and tried to change her panty to look like mine” lag sy. “But I said: No, that’s only for when you are a big girl.” Haar beste vriendin wat ook in die hospitaal werk, het stories by haar man aangedra. “And he believes her. Why does he not trust me? He can have her if he wants!!” Sy staan soggens half vier op om sesuur by die werk te wees. Sy wens sy kan werk in Arcadia kry, veral nou in die winter, dan sal sy later kan slaap.
Sarah van Polokwane het toe maar verder studeer. Intensiewe sorg. Begin siek voel. Naar. Gedink dis ‘n maagstorie. “Maybe you are pregnant“ het een van haar klasmaats gesê. Dit was die laaste ding waaraan sy gedink het. Sy was te bang om te hoop. Het die toets by die apteek gekoop, maar wou nie sommer daar in die publieke toilette toets nie. Tussen hoop en vertwyfeling is sy huistoe.
Sarah van Mabopane se man het laas haar ma gebel. “Why do you call me now” het haar ma gesê. “Is it because you took Sarah’s phone? Don’t ever call me again.” Sarah spaar geld om vir haar dogtertjie ‘n fiets vir haar verjaarsdag te koop. “All that matters now is my daughter. We will be OK. I don’t need a man who doesn’t trust me, who believes another woman.”
Sarah van Polokwane wag vir Michael in by die huis. Sy kan skaars haar gevoelens beheer. “I’m pregnant” ….. hy gryp haar … hulle dans in die kamer …. hulle gaan vir niemand sê nie ..... dis hulle geheim om te koester. Sy dra los rokke totdat sy die vreugde nie meer kan wegsteek nie. “My mother looks after them. They make her tired. They fight all the time! When I go home, they fight. The one says: ‘She’s my mother’ then the other one says ‘No, she’s mine’” sê Sarah van Polokwane met haar warm goue glimlag bokant my gesig.
Sarah van Mabopane het klaar skoongemaak. Môre moet sy dit weer doen. En oormôre weer. Maar dan is ek nie meer hier nie. “Take care of yourself“ sê ek. Sy blaas ’n soentjie vir my oor haar plastiekhandskoen voor sy by die deur uit is.

14 October 2014

"In the second half of life, we do not have strong and final opinions about everything, every event, or most people, as much as we allow things and people to delight us, sadden us, and truly influence us.
We no longer need to change or adjust other people to be happy ourselves.
Ironically, we are more than ever before in a position to change people - but we do not need to - and that makes all the difference."
(Richard Rohr in Falling Upwards)

9 October 2014

From Facebook - Ronell Bezuidenhout's post:

“Prayer of an Anonymous Abbess:

Lord, thou knowest better than myself that I am growing older and will soon be old. Keep me from becoming too talkative, and especially from the unfortunate habit of thinking that I must say something on every subject and at every opportunity.

Release me from the idea that I must straighten out other peoples' affairs. With my immense treasure of experience and wisdom, it seems a pity not to let everybody partake of it. But thou knowest, Lord, that in the end I will need a few friends.

Keep me from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the point.

Grant me the patience to listen to the complaints of others; help me to endure them with charity. But seal my lips on my own aches and pains -- they increase with the increasing years and my inclination to recount them is also increasing.

I will not ask thee for improved memory, only for a little more humility and less self-assurance when my own memory doesn't agree with that of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be wrong.

Keep me reasonably gentle. I do not have the ambition to become a saint -- it is so hard to live with some of them -- but a harsh old person is one of the devil's masterpieces.

Make me sympathetic without being sentimental, helpful but not bossy. Let me discover merits where I had not expected them, and talents in people whom I had not thought to possess any. And, Lord, give me the grace to tell them so.


2 October 2014
The first half of life is about development:
Finding your place in life
The last half of life is about envelopment:
Finding a place for all of life

30 September 2014
om kinderlik nuuskierig te wees oor wat vandag mag bring
maak my oop vir die oomblik en laat my voluit lewe
ek is nie in beheer nie en ek hoef nie in beheer te wees nie

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